Luke Finishing Off His Birthday Cake..Yum, Yum!
Luke's Birthday was September 7th which happen to fall on Labor Day this year.
We decided to go up to Mendon on Sunday after church to spend time with the Baker's and also get a few projects finished up in the cabinet shop. We had a good time visiting with Mom and Dad and all the cousins. The kids enjoyed playing and riding on the four wheeler. On Monday morning we went over to the Founders Day Parade in Wellsville. It was a lot of fun for Drew, Dane and Luke. The best part for them was diving for all of the candy, seeing the fire trucks, the sirens going non-stop, and the cowboy and indians acting crazy on their horses. It was a quick trip but we all had a good time. I can hardly believe Luke is 2. Where does the time go? I guess the first 2 years is very busy for Mom and Dad. Luke does not say many words right now...just mama and ball. We are waiting for him to say Da, da...Daddy. I think he is close but is a lot less talkative than Drew and Dane were at this age. He knows a lot but is not very vocal right now. He just listens to all of us.